--> Stop aux violences faites aux femmes grâce aux communautés impliquées !

The StoP model was developed in Germany in 2010 and extended to Austria where it operates within 25 local communities.
The StoP consortium now aims to extend this model to France, Belgium, Czech Republic and Romania, with the long-term goal of replicating the model across Europe.
The StoP model is based on the idea that communities have the potential to bring change within themselves. It promotes the idea of civil courage and shows that domestic violence is not a private matter.
The goal of StoP is to build and strengthen community networks so that partner violence is no longer tolerated, concealed, or ignored.

StoP will operate on the following principles:

●      Community mainstreaming of the issue of domestic violence

●      Working with local people of all genders and ethnicity, using local language and local symbols

●      Community empowerment and ownership

●      Participation: engaging a growing community network in the leadership of all activities

●      Using creative methods, building campaigns that people enjoy participating in for long term


2023  StoP European Network
2025 Vidéo : StoP Approach and Concept  