The main objective is to provide capacity building in 6 European countries (UK partners are trainers and will not provide capacity building) in order to strengthen the support for victims of gender-based violence with a focus on intimate partner violence in emergency and obstetrical care settings, using a systems-based approach. Such an approach touches on numerous aspects of health services, from staff training and referral networks to advocacy measures for institutional change at the policy level.
The secondary objectives are:
Objective 1: To perform an environmental scanning and situational analysis in each of the 6 partner countries in order to 1) identify the strengths and weaknesses of the existing health care infrastructure related to the provision of obstetrical or emergency care for victims? includes discussion with health care managers in each country and integrating existing materials/resources already in place within the countries; 2) identify health professionals who will act as clinical champions in each of the six health settings; 3) identify existing national legal frameworks with regards to provision of care for victims in the health care setting.
Objective 2: Provide 1 train-the-trainer seminar to empower 6 violence prevention advocates and 6 obstetric or emergency care professionals to implement 1 health care capacity building seminar (2x 2 hours) and 1 follow-up seminar (2 hours) in each of the partner countries to empower obstetric or emergency care teams to improve support to victims of gender-based violence.
Objective 3: To promote sensitisation and advocacy initiatives at the health sector policy level to promote legal support for victims in the health care setting in the partner countries? includes identifying the legal frameworks that exist currently at national level in the EU with regards to provision support victims of gender-based violence in the health care setting, e.g. victim protection teams.
Objective 4: To develop and implement an effective communications and dissemination plan to ensure maximum exposure of project activities and results to key target audiences and relevant stakeholders across the EU, including best practice sharing with the WAVE network and targeting medical conferences, e.g. international scientific meetings of targeted professions , e.g. WONCA EUROPREV conferences.
Objective 1: To perform an environmental scanning and situational analysis in each of the 6 partner countries in order to 1) identify the strengths and weaknesses of the existing health care infrastructure related to the provision of obstetrical or emergency care for victims? includes discussion with health care managers in each country and integrating existing materials/resources already in place within the countries; 2) identify health professionals who will act as clinical champions in each of the six health settings; 3) identify existing national legal frameworks with regards to provision of care for victims in the health care setting.
Objective 2: Provide 1 train-the-trainer seminar to empower 6 violence prevention advocates and 6 obstetric or emergency care professionals to implement 1 health care capacity building seminar (2x 2 hours) and 1 follow-up seminar (2 hours) in each of the partner countries to empower obstetric or emergency care teams to improve support to victims of gender-based violence.
Objective 3: To promote sensitisation and advocacy initiatives at the health sector policy level to promote legal support for victims in the health care setting in the partner countries? includes identifying the legal frameworks that exist currently at national level in the EU with regards to provision support victims of gender-based violence in the health care setting, e.g. victim protection teams.
Objective 4: To develop and implement an effective communications and dissemination plan to ensure maximum exposure of project activities and results to key target audiences and relevant stakeholders across the EU, including best practice sharing with the WAVE network and targeting medical conferences, e.g. international scientific meetings of targeted professions , e.g. WONCA EUROPREV conferences.